NEWS: A carbon levy would cut consumption of meat and cheese, find researchers – and coupled with a sugar tax, it could save lives
NEWS: Fertilising algae with iron filings is no easy climate fix, study finds, as benefits in one region will be offset elsewhere
NEWS: Missionaries caused Native American populations to crash in 1600s, prompting regrowth of carbon-sucking forests, researchers find
NEWS: Notion temperatures paused between 1998-2013 dismantled by Stanford researchers in further blow to climate sceptics
NEWS: What will countries agree to at this December’s critical UN summit? Researchers are mapping the likely outcome
NEWS: Scientists form new team to address big uncertainties in the pace of future changes to ice sheets and the ocean
NEWS: Precision mapping of melting glaciers can help predict potentially calamitous effects on sea levels, say scientists
NEWS: Record temperatures, heatwaves and a brewing El Nino are making this year one of the more unusual in recent history
NEWS: State could be in “more or less permanent” drought by 2060s, researchers warn as four-year dry spell takes its toll
GUARDIAN: New analysis takes fuel quality into account for first time, but China is still world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases
NEWS: Solar activity has not increased since 1700, leading scientists conclude after review of diverging datasets
NEWS: Scientists say many glaciers are melting faster than ever − and many will continue to do so even if climate change can be stabilised
NEWS: Bioenergy crops need more irrigation and will put pressure on water resources, models show
NEWS: Setting pace of emissions cuts by observed warming could see off climate policy objections, say UK researchers
NEWS: If all countries follow the example of the best in each sector, it brings warming target within reach, say European researchers
NEWS: US Department of Defense is calling for more resources to expand search and rescue capabilities into newly open territory
NEWS: All but one of the main surface temperature monitors has recorded a 1C rise since pre-industrial times, analysis shows
NEWS: The seat of US government faces six inches of subsidence this century, geologists say, making it vulnerable to sea level rise
NEWS: From tree planting to direct air capture machines, negative emissions techniques are essential, says founder of new centre
NEWS: Economic factors rather than switch from coal to natural gas drove recent drop in country’s CO2 output, say researchers