NEWS: Scientists analysing satellite data warn that rises in sea level are increasing threats to coastal cities and food security
ANALYSIS: Is climate change an uncertain science, ideological struggle or opportunity? The way it is framed in the media affects public perception
NEWS: Late rains were unusually heavy this year, say local farmers, affecting winter crops of wheat, oilseed and potato
NEWS: Sea surface temperatures warmer than average across parts of Pacific and Atlantic in 2014, says UN weather agency
NEWS: Warming temperatures across North Pole credited with falling ice levels, months before UN primed to deliver climate pact in Paris
NEWS: More snow could fall in Antarctica, with the ice that builds up flowing to the ocean and raising sea levels
NEWS: Campaigners say bloc must tighten import laws, citing loss of 2.4 million hectares of tropical forests to farmers and industry
NEWS: Carbon levels still rising fast but IEA says stall in last 12 months indicates new clean energy policies may be having an impact
NEWS: As cities expand, scientists predict an increase in urban land vulnerable either to flooding or drought by 2030
BRIEFING: Three candidates have been nominated to succeed Rajendra Pachauri as chair of the IPCC, with seven months to the election
NEWS: Impact of short lived pollutants likely to be felt across Indian subcontinent as Himalayan melt accelerates
NEWS: US researchers say climate change, not random chance, is likely to be causing California’s long drought, one of the worst on record
NEWS: Researchers link climate to drought that affected Syria nearly a decade ago − and helped spark country’s conflict
NEWS: High-precision field instruments in the US have provided the first real-time “action shots” of the increasing impact of CO2
NEWS: Temperatures may be rising more slowly than expected because of two oceanic cycles lasting half a century
NEWS: Development of group of alga may be stunted as oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, with widespread effects for marine life, say scientists
NEWS: UN climate science panel says it will examine its policies on harassment in light of Pachauri harassment allegations
NEWS: Thermal cameras could measure ocean temperatures, while microwave sensors could measure ocean salinity, say scientists
NEWS: New government statistics indicate significant drop in coal use, with 0.7% drop in 2014 emissions projected by analysts
NEWS: Scientists says 1% chance of two decade hiatus – but once it ends, expect rapid rise in temperatures to begin