UN-backed Production Gap report projects a 2% annual rise in global fossil fuel output this decade, when 6% cuts are needed in line with a 1.5C warming limit
The UK premier majored on hydrogen, nuclear and carbon capture in a package aiming to set the bar for hosting Cop26 climate talks next year
Russia has no plans to end its contribution to climate change before the end of the century and is aggressively expanding Arctic gas production for the Asian market
Most Americans see climate change as a serious threat, fracking did not swing the vote in key states but climate-vulnerable Florida went to Trump despite his denialism
While China, Japan and South Korea set net zero emissions targets and polls show strong support for Australia to follow, Morrison is standing by the coal industry
Brussels’ proposed green reforms to the Energy Charter Treaty face resistance from Japan, yet do not go far enough for environmental campaigners
The move could scrap 8GW of planned coal projects which haven’t been fully approved, sending a strong signal to investors in the region coal is out of favour
Banks, companies and governments are axing support for coal, driven by climate concerns and competition from renewables, but hundreds of plants are still in planning
Prime minister Yoshihide Suga has promised to “fundamentally shift” Japan’s coal policy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
Indigenous communities say they did not give consent for a Total-backed solar megaproject on their land
International Finance Corporation piloted its green equity policy with an Indonesian bank, which went on to fund a 2,000 MW coal complex
PGE has announced a strategy to go 100% renewable by 2050, but it depends on passing responsibility for coal mines to another Polish state-owned entity
Ship efficiency measures backed by a broad coalition of 14 countries will fail to reduce emissions in line with industry and Paris climate goals, campaigners warn
An EU methane emissions standard would put pressure on suppliers like Russia and Algeria to stop polluting gas leaks and venting, but proposals lack detail
To reach carbon neutrality in 2050, half of all cars globally should be electric by the end of this decade, according to modelling by the International Energy Agency
A decision by state-owned utility Kepco to invest in Vung Ang 2 coal power station goes against the government’s “green new deal” rhetoric
Campaigners say the Narrabri gas project will destroy local biodiversity and water supplies as well as increase greenhouse gas emissions.
Neglecting to mention climate change or commitments to end fossil fuel subsidies, G20 energy ministers focused on stabilising the oil market
Agreeing an end date for coal mining is a big step for Polish trade unions, but climate experts say 2049 is too late and Brussels won’t agree to state aid plans
It is the biggest climate policy milestone since the Paris Agreement in 2015, but the strength of China’s carbon neutrality pledge depends on these key details