Air pollution is one of the world’s biggest killers. Peter Thorsheim looks back at the resistance, disinformation and solutions that emerged from the London fog
Massive investments in clean energy and economic shifts continue to dampen demand for coal in the world’s largest carbon emitter
“We are broadly in the right starting position to keep warming below 2C,” but most models require carbon capture to meet the Paris goal, researchers say
New York State and the Church of England lead investors worth US$4trn in campaign for US oil major to disclose climate risks
Three years after it came online, Izdemir power station has been stripped of its environmental licence, in a win for campaigners
Dignitaries celebrate the expansion of Maputo port, but experts warn fossil fuelled climate change threatens development gains
While over 20% of India’s population has no access to electricity, the richest 40% of the population gets highly subsidised power
Setback for Chinese-backed plant planned near Europe’s second most-polluted city, with a ruling it must comply with tougher pollution limits
A group of investors and insurers who manage $2.8trn has called on the G20 to end public funding for coal, oil and gas by 2020
Power stations running or under construction will meet demand up to 2026, say analysts, by which point renewables can start to compete on cost
Piyush Goyal tells investors in Delhi his government is committed to a clean energy future, regardless of what direction the US takes
Renewable options are being overlooked as government backs controversial polluting power plants, say experts
Germany and Poland face biggest challenge to break dependence on dirty fuel, in scenarios mapped by Climate Analytics
Wind energy overtakes coal as the EU’s second largest form of power capacity but concerns remain over politicians’ enthusiasm for renewables, reports the Guardian
One wind farm was cancelled and another – the flagship Lake Turkana project – was delayed by social conflict, report highlights
As Uttar Pradesh lags its target for solar installations, female-led Ambar Mosque calls on everyone to do their bit for air quality and energy access
Solar power and electric vehicles will wreak havoc on the energy sector, say analysts from Carbon Tracker and Grantham Institute, in contrast to rosy industry forecasts
US supermajor’s profits have halved since last year, on a $2bn write-down of gas assets, but executives still don’t mention climate risk
Energy infrastructure should align with climate targets to avoid stranded assets, European Commission is expected to advise on Wednesday
World’s largest carbon polluter making progress on efficiency, but doubts remain over accuracy of state data