Studies being presented at the G20 could kick-start efforts to remove price supports for oil and coal, write Liu Shuang and Hu Min
Is green the new black? Faced by falling oil prices and plunging profits, big oil companies are investing in renewables and clean energy
Report hails US plans to close 100GW of coal power, contrasting it with Tokyo’s policy to support polluting fossil fuel domestically and abroad
Canadian provincial government hits out at ‘misguided dogma’ as Fort McMurray blaze polarises oil pipeline debate
Shallow seas and a steep tidal range make for the best electricity generation potential
From Portugal to Pakistan, small farmers to major corporations, renewables are gaining momentum in the market
Government says subsidy cut is vital to rebalance budget, but opposition brand decision “evil” and a “rigmarole”
US and Nordic states agree new measures to regulate Arctic oil and gas drilling, but little sign exploitation will slow
Oil major publishes analysis on global warming goal for the first time, warning it relies on ‘optimistic’ assumptions
Members have urged more than a thousand pension funds to back climate resolutions at oil company AGMs this month
Riyadh’s reforms spell big changes for the clean energy sector, says Adnan Amin
Experts say proposed power plants in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia would blow Paris climate deal if they move ahead, reports the Guardian
Limiting exploration in line with climate goals makes financial sense, says Carbon Tracker ahead of ExxonMobil, Chevron AGMs
Aviva among latest investors to declare support for climate change resolution at next month’s AGM
Protest highlights climate and local impact of government plans for more than 70 coal power plants
Most small-scale power systems only run a few hours a day, researchers find, falling short of government aspirations for energy access
Funds worth €12bn for modernising the power sector in poor member states are propping up fossil fuels, finds Carbon Market Watch
As cabinet approves sweeping economic reforms, prince Mohammed bin Salman says they will reduce reliance on hydrocarbons
US solar giant accused of wild spending spree, but industry in good shape says Indian energy minister and analysts at Bloomberg
Recent energy auctions suggest solar prices are falling fast in India, but we need to see whether these projects are actually delivered on time, at such low prices