Prakash Javadekar urges richer nations to adopt tougher carbon pricing measures, and use proceeds to invest in Global South
New Development Bank issues first tranche of renewable energy loans in emerging economies, but 2016 outlook for renewables industry downgraded on Q1 results
Low oil prices have reduced pressure to exploit Arctic fossil fuels and boosted hopes that the region’s fragile environment will be better protected
Swedish utility cuts its losses in controversial transfer of dirty lignite operations to Czech energy company EPH, to reduce carbon exposure
Energy minister says power realities are changing fast, predicting a fast uptake in solar energy despite concerns over baseload and storage
Climate change up with migration and pandemics as the major threat to global economy, says Jim Kim
The Southern Gas Corridor risks locking in higher fossil fuel dependence and wasting colossal amounts of public money
As the US coal giant goes bankrupt, shareholders should beware of fossil fuel companies predicting a rosy future
NEWS: Cheap fossil fuels could thwart development of renewables, says global lender in economic outlook
NEWS: World’s largest private coal mining company is mired in debt after failing to anticipate price downturn
NEWS: Nuclear companies meet to discuss licensing the controversial modular reactors set to cost billions of dollars and be built near towns
NEWS: Hot countries offered four-year grace period to comply with rules to replace potent warming gases in air conditioning
NEWS: Swedish utility Vattenfall poised to sell dirty lignite operations to Czech billionaires who used offshore accounts to buy yacht and property
NEWS: Solar and wind farms muscled out fossil fuel-fired plants as preferred form of new power generation in 2015, says clean energy body
NEWS: Analysis firm sees brighter future for mining companies, but climate researchers disagree
NEWS: Lobbying spend of Shell, Exxon Mobil and trade groups estimated in transparency effort
PICTURES: Popular artists don gas masks in posters, warning: ‘Don’t let coal pollution destroy your life’
ANALYSIS: Record investments in wind and solar are transforming our energy landscape, as this presentation from Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s explains
COMMENT: Last week deputy crown prince Salman announced the formation of a post-oil $2 trillion fund, accelerating a major Middle East energy transition
NEWS: Country is seventh in EU to go coal-free, joining Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta and Baltic countries