NEWS: Big expansion of coal power on track as Aung San Suu Kyi forms first civilian-led government in over 50 years
NEWS: Piyush Goyal says citizens in poorer countries deserve more than just a light bulb, urging richer countries to deliver power for TVs and fans
NEWS: Investments, not crude, will bankroll government in twenty years, says deputy crown prince as he plots sale of state oil company Aramco
COMMENT: The Modi government needs to explain where funds from the coal cess will go for it to have a transformative impact on clean energy
NEWS: To have a 50% chance of avoiding dangerous temperatures new fossil fuel investments needs to be put on hold from next year
NEWS: State attorneys say they will target fossil fuel companies for financial statements and disclosures which may have misled investors and the public
NEWS: Delhi considers axing food subsidies for the poor, but continues to pay almost US$200 billion in subsidies for coal, oil and gas
NEWS: It’s too soon to celebrate a tipping point for the world’s biggest emitter, according to analysis from CICERO
NEWS: Further policy interventions required, say authors of UN report, if world is to move away from oil, gas, coal and embrace low emission future
NEWS: US oil major, alleged to have lied about the risks of global warming, has been ordered to consider shareholder resolution at next AGM
LONG READ: Brown coal is Germany’s guilty energy secret, a drain on its climate ambitions. Mining communities see the writing on the wall
NEWS: Fourth wreck in two years raises fresh concerns about environmental impact of proposed Rampal coal plant in Bangladesh
NEWS: Dirty power plants planned in China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia are unlikely to all be built, says think tank ECIU
NEWS: Transition towards a grid based on fickle renewables is messing with Poland’s electricity markets
NEWS: Energy department says it is looking for alternatives to coal, but activists fear government will push ahead with fossil intensive investments
NEWS: Heavy pollution from coal-fired power stations results in Serbia losing a third of its national wealth annually because of premature deaths caused by poor air quality
NEWS: Staunch opponent of climate laws and science misses interest payment as global coal price slump continues
NEWS: Early figures show emissions from energy sector stayed flat in 2015 on renewables surge, says influential forecaster
NEWS: US agency funds competition to design better solar cells seen as critical to exploration of deeper space
NEWS; That’s ten times what Brussels green innovation fund pays out, says NGO in call for reform of EU emissions trading scheme