NEWS: Innovative turbines designed in the UK aim to harness tidal energy to produce cheaper electricity − without endangering marine life
NEWS: Fossil fuel giant to make significant break with US lobbying organisation accused of obstructing low carbon policies
NEWS: Government failed to consider yakka skink and ornamental snake in permit for AU$16 billion Carmichael mine, judge finds
NEWS: New figures show how widespread support for oil, gas and coal sector is, highlighting climate and health risks linked to pollution
COMMENT: Cap & Share could be the scheme to turn popular support for climate action into results, argues Laurence Matthews
ANALYSIS: Britain’s rapidly falling energy consumption spells hope that others could follow a similar path, finds Gerard Wynn
NEWS: Curbs on power plant emissions on solid legal foundation, say legal experts at environmental groups
NEWS: States could face two-year grace period to ensure they can meet new power plant emission standards
NEWS: The US coal sector is being squeezed by divestment campaigns and oversupply in global markets
NEWS: High cost, high carbon source of oil is hit by low oil prices, analysts say, with 5.6bn barrels worth of projects shelved
NEWS: Engineers aim to use surplus power from wind and sun to boost European electricity supplies and slash fossil fuel
NEWS: Coalition of top oil and gas producers to “announce next steps” ahead of critical UN climate summit
NEWS: Lack of diversity on boards makes US oil majors particularly liable to ignore carbon risk, find Oxford University researchers
NEWS: Investors plugged US$53 billion into renewables last quarter, says Bloomberg, down 28% on the same period in 2014
NEWS: India PM calls for emerging economy fund to back clean energy at bloc’s seventh summit in Russia
NEWS: Exxon considered climate change risks as early as 1981, email by ex-employee reveals, yet joined efforts to mislead the public
ANALYSIS: As the communist island and the US restore relations, there are opportunities for clean power and offshore oil
NEWS: Campaign rounds on financial institutions to desert dirtiest fuel in symbolic gesture before crunch UN talks
NEWS: Investment in infrastructure to liquefy gas for the global market won’t pay off if warming is held to 2C, say analysts
NEWS: Resist urge to build new coal-fired plants now, or strand more assets later, Angel Gurria tells countries