NEWS: Solar, wind and hydro finance flows remain strong despite economic downturn, says new spending analysis by US government
NEWS: New initiative backed by UK, Chinese and Saudi firms seeks to explore ways they can contribute to emissions challenge
NEWS: Desert state has abundance of sunshine and could produce more than it consumes, says power company boss
ANALYSIS: French-led nuclear industry faces unpromising future after string of technical faults, cost overruns and delays
NEWS: US oil majors face down shareholder proposals to appoint climate expert to board and scrap high carbon projects
NEWS: Christiana Figueres tells business leaders efforts by fossil fuel companies to green their operations should be welcomed
NEWS: At Climate Week Paris, French insurer announces biggest fossil fuel divestment push to date, encouraging others to follow
NEWS: Heads of Statoil, Glencore and Total use Paris summit to register climate concern but dismiss fears assets are dangerous
NEWS: Study shows dirtiest publicly-traded energy companies pump out more emissions a year than the US, Japan and Russia combined
NEWS: The Asian giant is funnelling cash into mega-projects, but not clean energy, as Amazon railways and canals take shape
NEWS: Growing economic links with China are helping Pakistan tap into its enormous solar energy potential
NEWS: Oil major agrees at AGM to reveal its exposure to carbon risk, but presses ahead with controversial Arctic plans
NEWS: Admiral Papp says conditional approval to explore polar waters just ‘another step’, as ‘kayaktivists’ protest in Seattle
NEWS: Analysis from Greenpeace suggests use of world’s most polluting fossil fuel by top emitter could be in terminal decline
NEWS: Bloc accused of ‘cowardice’ after wiping requests to ditch billion-dollar bumps for coal and oil from annual review of member states
NEWS: Groups warns US government approval of oil firm’s resumed exploration in risky polar waters spells environmental disaster
NEWS: The EU says it is time for tides to provide energy for Europe from the Atlantic and end reliance on the burning of polluting fossil fuels
ANALYSIS: Free from direct military rule since 2012, Myanmar is embarking on ambitious energy reforms, but renewables look set to miss out
NEWS: Indian conglomerate rejects IEEFA claim it will struggle to attract finance for Australian coal mine, railway and port infrastructure
NEWS: Greg Boyce outlines “five point plan” to accelerate transition to low carbon economy based on world’s most carbon intensive fuel