Many Asian countries see gas as a “transition fuel” away from coal, while Brussels is urging the region to go straight to renewables
Vulnerable countries welcomed Scotland’s leadership in helping victims of climate disaster, saying rich countries need to institutionalise support at Cop26
The funding from US, UK, Germany, Norway and the Netherlands confronts the weakening of indigenous land rights in countries like Brazil
The Netherlands, Denmark and others are committed to supporting vulnerable countries in adapting to climate change impacts
The Cop26 presidency is considering a proposal to strengthen ambition beyond the Glasgow summit, but it faces resistance from emerging economies
Agreeing on rules for a global carbon market has become a high-level political focus of the Glasgow summit but experts warn getting it wrong will undermine 1.5C ambition
The UK presidency hopes a delivery plan for long-promised climate finance will start to restore trust ahead of Cop26, but experts warn late delivery means trouble
Concerns carbon markets could become a new form of colonialism are not unfounded – but with robust safeguards, they can deliver much-needed climate finance
The IMF trust fund could be worth up to $50 billion and meet vulnerable countries’ call for support to address the triple crisis of debt, Covid and climate change
Nearly 150 green groups have told rich governments they must make up for missing their climate aid target by delivering $600bn in total 2020-25
Campaigners accused Japan of failing to take responsibility for cutting its own emissions and relying on developing nations to do so
In a fundamental shift in mainstream thinking, the world’s most influential energy body has for the first time put a net zero scenario at the heart of its forecasting
Board members from developing countries insisted that making a 2050 net zero goal a condition for accreditation to the fund breaches equity principles
The Green Climate Fund board has been advised to re-accredit the UN development agency, despite unresolved corruption claims against projects in Samoa and Armenia
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The industry-led Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets is pitching carbon offsets as a win for the Global South. This is greenwashing at its most patronising
Joe Biden announced an increased US contribution to climate action in developing countries at the UN general assembly on Tuesday
OECD figures show international climate finance increased by just 2% from 2018 to 2019, leaving a $20 billion shortfall to the 2020 target
Ursula Von der Leyen called out the US for failing to deliver its fair share of climate cash – an issue poor nations say is critical to success at Cop26
Ahmad Samim Hoshmand, a top climate official before he fled the Taliban, says Afghans need support more than ever to cope with climate impacts