Climate Home reveals that the World Bank Group has counted support for luxury hotels as climate finance, which experts say fails the most vulnerable
Businesses are not required to cut all their value chain emissions in line with a 1.5C warming limit – and allowing offsetting could weaken efforts further
Under pressure from the IMF, the government has redirected subsidies into education, welfare and debt reduction, leaving fuel-heavy sectors with higher costs
Demand for finance to pay for the aftermath of climate impacts is rocketing – but progress on getting a new UN loss and damage fund up and running is slow
As climate officials prepare the next steps in a globally agreed shift away from fossil fuels, oil and gas executives return fire
The UN agencies that will run the Santiago Network recommended it should be based in Nairobi but governments have instead chosen the world’s third-most expensive city
The industry and governments’ maritime ministries want a proposed levy on emissions spent on cleaning up shipping, not used for wider climate goals like loss and damage
GCF head Mafalda Duarte promises a more proactive plan to bring cash to the most vulnerable countries struggling with climate impacts
UN rules governing bilateral carbon offsetting between governments have yet to be agreed but deals are being done, raising concerns about integrity
Farmers need crop irrigation to help beat drought – but it’s unclear if that would qualify for new loss and damage funding
In its first such move, the Green Climate Fund has pulled out of a project after developers failed to address environmental and social compliance issues
Fossil fuel companies that built gas power plants more than a decade ago are hoping for rewards from a new carbon credit market
Britain has changed how it calculates its international climate aid, boosting its progress towards a 2026 goal without giving vulnerable countries more money
A new wave of climate litigation is targeting state institutions that are still providing public finance for fossil fuels, despite pledges to turn off the funding tap
Developed and developing countries are gearing up for heated discussions over the size of the goal and who should provide money for it
Without proper interventions anchored on the latest and best available science, even more people would be vulnerable to disastrous impacts of tremendous economic and non-economic costs.
‘Blended finance’ took centre stage at Cop28, with the Green Climate Fund among its supporters. But there are still major problems with the concept that must be addressed before considering any further expansion.
Ex-Im’s financing would boost fossil fuel production in the Gulf state with the construction of over 450 new oil and gas wells
The oil and gas giant offset part of its emissions with over a million credits from Chinese projects suspended because of integrity concerns
Their failure to agree risks delaying help for victims of climate disasters in developing countries