A few countries are set to join the coal phase-out club at the One Planet Summit in Paris on Tuesday, but more levers will be needed to bring major coal users in line
After an anti-air pollution drive left many without heat, China’s government has relaxed a ban on coal across 28 northern cities
‘It was cruel what we went through’. As the UK weighs whether to allow its ailing mines to stumble on, community activists ask when enough is enough?
Queensland Labor looks certain to form government promising to veto a public loan, observers say that puts the southern hemisphere’s biggest coal project in serious doubt
Letter from top officials to the president of the EIB said Europe’s commitment to the pipeline ‘must not wane’ and called for publicly-backed loans
The Green Party will only join a coalition promising to close at least 7GW of coal power capacity by 2020, its lawmakers say, as Germany likely faces another election
Public health hazards like smoking commonly face advertising restrictions. Simon Dalby of Wilfrid Laurier University asks why we don’t do the same for climate change
Christiana Figueres warns subsidising Adani’s controversial Carmichael mega-mine would damage Australia’s reputation abroad
“The future of our planet cannot tolerate us continually burning coal,” said the minister for environment of the tiny Pacific state
The US came to sell fossil fuels as a solution to climate change, but were interrupted by protests as the divided US arrived in Bonn
Leader of North Rhine-Westphalia, who is leading the CDU’s coalition talks on energy, said mines across Germany could be closed by the decade after next
Ghana and Ukraine are among countries for whom the presence of the US coal industry at UN talks in Bonn is opportunity to strike energy deals
Leaders need to start addressing coal, oil and gas production as well as greenhouse gas emissions to prevent dangerous climate change
Prospects of massive Indian-owned coal development take a dip after Queensland Labor leader makes surprise announcement
Chancellor Angela Merkel, with no concrete plans to curtail its huge coal industry, will be exposed as her country plays host to Fiji’s climate presidency
North American and European utilities are phasing out old coal plants, Coal Swarm survey shows, as Asian companies dominate new development
Experts refute EU claim that 3,500km gas pipeline from Azerbaijan is necessary for energy security, amid alarm over corruption and human rights issues
UK and Canada challenge other nations to join them in committing to end coal power generation, saying “we are doing our part”
India has emerged as the world’s largest importer of petroleum coke, an oil byproduct that is now a major cause of pollution in the capital
A ‘Jamaica coalition’ is the most likely outcome of a surprising election, putting the Greens in a position to pursue their goal of ending coal power