NEWS: Oslo “takes responsibility for climate” in ridding $9 billion pension fund of coal, oil and gas investments say surging Greens
NEWS: Forest fires are harming public health, diplomatic relations and could push CO2 emissions to an 18-year high, experts warn
NEWS: Norway first to fund UN initiative to slow tree-cutting and boost incomes in crucial carbon sink
NEWS: Climate Week’s diet of low-carbon announcements pep ups December summit as leaders fly in for UN jamboree
NEWS: Tournament gifts tiny Fiji, Samoa, and Tonga global platform as new documentary tells tale of hardy underdogs
NEWS: Holidaymakers could desert north-African state as temperatures jump and rising sea-levels eat away seafront hotels
NEWS: Great oceanic “lung” is again breathing in lots of CO2 from the atmosphere but scientists can’t say why or whether it will last
NEWS: A state of emergency has been declared in two regions as long-running drought and heatwave combine to spark blazes
NEWS: Exploiting global reserves would melt all Antarctica and jack up sea levels by 50m. Though it would take 10,000 years
BLOG: Four stomachs bad, one stomach good. RTCC sheds pounds of CO2 as it tries green regime for a week
NEWS: Major farming and forestry nations have been outdone by Ethiopia and Morocco, says Union of Concerned Scientists
NEWS: Public transport, efficient buildings and recycling investments pay off in energy savings, New Climate Economy report shows
NEWS: Finance must flow to local enterprises to slow deforestation and internal displacement wrought by clearance for agriculture, report says
NEWS: World’s fourth most populous country pledge slightly builds on 2020’s voluntary goal, but details remain unclear
NEWS: As more people live in cities, researchers find denser settlements with more green spaces are best for wellbeing
NEWS: Search giant and researchers map emerging clusters of tropical forest loss in Southeast Asia, South America and Africa
COMMENT: If politics of pollution continue to trump rights of those most exposed to climate change, UN summit could be explosive
NEWS: Shifting rainfall patterns and rising populations could drive conflict in many countries, warns World Resources Institute
BLOG: From Cuzco to Andhra Pradesh, crop growers and livestock owners are feeling the impacts of shifting weather patterns
COMMENT: A new fund is aiming to cut emissions from bad land management and improve food, energy and water security