NEWS: New research unpicks theory that mortality rates will drop in winter months as planet heats up
NEWS: Relocating coral larvae to reefs at greater risk from warming oceans could prevent bleaching and mass die-offs, study finds
NEWS: Amazon protection on the agenda when president Dilma Rousseff meets Barack Obama in Washington next week
NEWS: Dangerous climate change from coal power emissions will set back public health 50 years, international expert panel finds
ANALYSIS: Scholars from Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and leading evangelicals explain why the environment matters to their religion
NEWS: Fierce temperatures in India doubled the heat-related deaths normally recorded in May − and the government insists natural causes are not to blame
NEWS: Rules for how REDD+ scheme will work are now agreed, work can start on ramping up projects say experts
NEWS: Developing world’s access to insurance following natural disasters to jump five-fold in five years, rich club of countries aims
COMMENT: To have a chance of limiting warming to below 2 degrees, emissions balance sheets submitted to the UN must add up
NEWS: Widened remit of anti-poverty push seeks to ensure countries resilient to rising climate impacts and access clean energy
NEWS: Pennsylvania senator is the latest Republican to weigh into Vatican’s forthcoming encyclical on climate
NEWS: Follow Mexico’s lead, world’s 2nd and 3rd emitter told as emissions pledge for climate pact freeze out forests, study says
NEWS: Extremes of heat and rainfall are becoming more common with human caused global warming, scientists warn
ANALYSIS: Forest clearance counts for a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions but cash is not yet flowing to protect trees
ANALYSIS: Notre Dame or a Durban township? Sustainability advocates are divided on the best way to push the energy efficiency message
BLOG: High emissions aren’t hip, say Nike, Renault and M&S chiefs trying hard to rebrand a carbon-lite lifestyle
NEWS: Campaign to stigmatise oil, gas and coal companies could gain another backer as top Scottish institution considers ditching polluters
INTERVIEW: Empowering mayors, village chiefs and communities to promote care for the environment is central to climate challenge
INTERVIEW: With his Broadway-infused Stop Shopping Choir and congregation of thousands, Billy Talen takes the drama of global warming to the streets
NEWS: In the face of climate change and peak farmland, tree foods offer “hidden harvest” for global hungry, report says