UK’s top climate diplomat John Ashton tells RTCC what’s at stake when world meets in Durban for COP17 next week.
UK Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas says green policies can boost economic growth, and calls on world leaders to be bold at COP17 summit in Durban.
A coalition of NGOs and charities has called on US policymakers to stop playing politics and take responsibility for their contribution to climate change ahead of COP17 in South Africa.
In an exclusive article for RTCC, Konrad Otto-Zimmermann, Secretary General of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), argues that truly sustainable policies to tackle climate change must be implemented by cities and local government.
With a positive outcome at Durban looking increasingly unlikely, four countries in the Himalayas have opted for a regional climate deal, working together to adapt to climate change.
Ajay Gambhir, Research Fellow at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College, analyses China’s negotiating positions ahead of COP17.
As the clock ticks down to the start of COP17 in Durban – we’ve collated the best quotes from a politically charged week of climate change news and debate
In their latest report the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change confirm the link between climate change and extreme weather.
Scientists warn that if climate change aid programmes are ineffective and money is wasted, donations will dry up just as climate change grows most dangerous.
Rising sea levels, increased storms surges and temperature rises will make New York a very different place in 2080, says a new report from Cornell University’s ClimAid group.
Barack Obama has called on China and India to ‘take seriously their responsibilities’ to the climate.
RTCC caught up with Tony Juniper ahead of the Durban Climate Summit to see what he expects for the conference and how he thinks things could move forward post COP17.
The small village of Tomefa in Ghana has been provided with solar panels through a Japanese Government initiative – and as photographer Stephanie Dei discovered, it has had a profound effect.
Vulnerable countries have presented a united front ahead of COP17 in Durban, calling for a second term of the Kyoto Protocol with a legally binding agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change catastrophes could cost Canada anything from 5% to 25% of GDP according to a new study by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE).
UN Secretary General has urged world leaders to commit to the multi-billion dollar Green Climate Fund, ahead of the COP17 Climate Conference, in Durban.
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Ahead of the COP17 Climate Summit in Durban , scientists warn that adaptation policies will be key to helping communities deal with the threats which already lay in the Nepal Himalayas.
Southeast Asia will see more extreme weather and more flooding due to Climate Change, a World Bank official has told AFP.
Demand must be tackled as well as supply to feed the growing population living in a resource strapped world in 2050, the Soil Association’s Policy Director told the Environmental Audit Committee.