RTCC caught up with Tony Juniper ahead of the Durban Climate Summit to see what he expects for the conference and how he thinks things could move forward post COP17.
The small village of Tomefa in Ghana has been provided with solar panels through a Japanese Government initiative – and as photographer Stephanie Dei discovered, it has had a profound effect.
Vulnerable countries have presented a united front ahead of COP17 in Durban, calling for a second term of the Kyoto Protocol with a legally binding agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change catastrophes could cost Canada anything from 5% to 25% of GDP according to a new study by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE).
UN Secretary General has urged world leaders to commit to the multi-billion dollar Green Climate Fund, ahead of the COP17 Climate Conference, in Durban.
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Ahead of the COP17 Climate Summit in Durban , scientists warn that adaptation policies will be key to helping communities deal with the threats which already lay in the Nepal Himalayas.
Southeast Asia will see more extreme weather and more flooding due to Climate Change, a World Bank official has told AFP.
Demand must be tackled as well as supply to feed the growing population living in a resource strapped world in 2050, the Soil Association’s Policy Director told the Environmental Audit Committee.
Africa needs $35 billion investment per year in order to provide clean energy across the continent, according to a report by UK charity Christian Aid.
Deaths and health problems from climate related disasters cost the US over $14 billion over the last decade, according to new research.
The headlines will be made at COP17, but Susannah Fisher from the LSE’s Grantham Research Institute argues that if you dig below the surface, a real move to a low carbon economy is already underway in India.
China aims to cut cut 48 million tonnes of CO2 after announcing plans to phase out all incandescent light bulbs by 2016.
Just weeks ahead of the UNFCCC Climate Conference in Durban, a group island states most vulnerable to climate change have lashed out at rich nations for suggesting a climate deal could wait till 2018 calling it “both environmentally reckless and politically irresponsible.”
The economic progress of the world’s developing countries could stall or even reverse by 2050 if swift and drastic measures are not taken to combat the effects of climate change.
RTCC takes a look at reaction to the world’s population hitting 7 Billion
How a typical British home went on a low-carbon diet
Economist Matthew Kahn tells RTCC how profit, opportunity and innovation will make us happier in a hotter, urban world
Switching residential heating from fossil fuels to heat pumps and CHP boilers would slash 15% off current UK CO2 levels
Dangerous levels of climate change could be seen within the lifetime of people living today, unless a steep reduction in global emissions are put in place, according to two reports published in Nature Climate Change