NEWS: Beijing’s clean energy drive and emissions peaking pledge risk being undermined by weak carbon intensity target, says Climate Action Tracker
NEWS: Asian city-state and shipping hub sees limited potential for clean energy as it pledges to peak emissions around 2030
INTERVIEW: Jay Weatherill, state premier, tells RTCC how regions can out-green their national governments
NEWS: Released correspondence tells of tensions at 2009 UN summit and anger at Obama treatment by China
NEWS: Local governments give first ever global account of CO2 curbs at World Summit Climate and Territories in Lyon
NEWS: Country won’t buckle to pressure to state when CO2 emissions will fall, environment minister Javadekar says
NEWS: Government analysis of recent UN climate pledge says renewable deployment could be radically accelerated by 2030
NEWS: Climate Change Authority recommends out science-based carbon target as contribution to UN climate deal
NEWS: Government should press for more disclosure on risks faced by oil, gas and mining companies says centre-right think tank
NEWS: Civil society and governments need assurance fossil fuel companies will act responsibly ahead of Paris deal
NEWS: Government is registering 5 million properties in a bid to reverse trend of forest clearance by beef and soy farmers
NEWS: Emerging economy will aim for 28-33% renewable energy by 2030, President Rousseff said in joint statement with Obama
NEWS: UN-backed fund has identified “promising” ideas and aims to get first cash flowing to poor countries by December
NEWS: Boost for UN deal hopes as world’s largest greenhouse gas polluter confirms it will aim to curb emissions in next 15 years
NEWS: Seoul government says it values reputation as a climate leader with raised offer ahead of UN talks in Paris
NEWS: Most UK carbon-cutting policies expire within 5 years, notes report, and must be renewed to keep emissions cuts on track
NEWS: Global heavyweights sign climate change agreement in step-change in sino-European relations
NEWS: Beijing’s commitment to a UN deal is seen as critical to its success, with five months left before countries convene in Paris
NEWS: Influential bloc of emerging economies sets out priorities for Paris pact with finance and differentiation topping agenda
NEWS: Anote Tong says plans for migration advanced with rising sea levels already causing havoc in his country