NEWS: President Anote Tong calls for world leaders to pay attention to sinking island at today’s historic climate summit in New York
NEWS: Empire State Building glows green as protestors and business make their case for decarbonisation
NEWS: The chair of next year’s critical UN climate talks, Laurent Fabius, tells business leaders it must produce a legally binding deal
NEWS: US secretary of state pledges US$15 million to World Bank scheme to curb methane emissions
NEWS: Campaigner Bill Mckibben says anger has “boiled over”, UN climate chief warns change now inevitable
NEWS: Scotland can continue its low carbon ambitions as part of a still-united UK, says climate organisation
NEWS: Former UK climate change minister Greg Barker will join prime minister David Cameron in New York
NEWS: Peru’s lead climate negotiator says Ban Ki-moon climate summit will catalyse action such as Norway deal
NEWS: “Loss and damage” team will take two years to consider climate compensation options
NEWS: Washington calls for initial five-year commitment period, promises to deliver carbon cuts plan by March 2015
NEWS: Calls for long term carbon cutting strategy grow louder as countries prepare for Ban Ki-moon meeting
NEWS: Politicians and businesses respond to new findings that climate action will boost the economy
NEWS: Leaders expected to make four minute speeches outlining commitment to global emissions agreement in 2015
NEWS: Graham Stuart says survey saying over half of Conservatives are climate sceptic is misleading
NEWS: Nearly a fifth of Tory MPs believe global warming is “environmentalist propaganda”, finds Populus poll
NEWS: Alenka Bratushek will be vice president for energy union, while Miguel Arias Canete gets climate action and energy brief
NEWS: UK prime minister David Cameron latest world leader to signal his intention to attend key meeting
NEWS: Climate change secretary Ed Davey warns developed countries against “backsliding” on commitments to UN climate deal
The Guardian: Climate change secretary Ed Davey says governments facing ‘pivotal moment’ on dealing with issue
NEWS: Leading green groups set out what they say are “realistic goals” for international climate talks