NEWS: German chancellor pledges €750m to Green Climate Fund and demands politicians take climate science seriously
NEWS: Chief climate negotiator says research into when emissions will peak is ongoing, but suggests country could accept CO2 cap
NEWS: Peru’s environment minister calls on delegates to “avoid stress and anguish” and cooperate closely
NEWS: Green activists are protesting a trans-Atlantic trade deal they say could harm the environment
NEWS: The UK is set to back green growth in India’s Mumbai-Bangalore corridor, says minister
NEWS: India’s 2014 budget under new PM signals pivot towards low carbon economy
NEWS: Leaders are heading to Paris, Berlin and Fortaleza for climate talks to lay the groundwork for a global deal
NEWS: Government accused of deceiving allies as vote to cut Australia’s main climate law ends in farce
NEWS: US Secretary of State says this week’s climate talks have been productive, but warns of further challenges
NEWS: Debate over who will accept toughest carbon cuts heads to wire, as UN narrows options for Paris summit
NEWS: Likely EU Commission chief speaks out against controversial technology as he canvasses MEPs for votes
NEWS: UK government’s climate advisors say flood defences are not being maintained, and planning laws do not factor in future risks
NEWS: New bill could impose $1.6 million penalty on companies across region responsible for toxic emissions
NEWS: Head of independent Climate Council Tim Flannery says politicians and the media are complicit in spreading misinformation
NEWS: Climate change is key focus at US-China economic dialogue in Beijing, as countries’ relationship comes under strain
NEWS: Countries are converging on what pledges towards a global agreement should look like, say co-chairs of talks
NEWS: Former prime minister and possible UN climate talks president Laurent Fabius says oil and gas subsides must be cut
NEWS: French Foreign Minister says India will be a ‘major player’ at 2015 Paris summit, backing Modi to deliver a new approach
NEWS: Prime Minister Modi may have to make concessions and agree emission cuts at UN talks if old alliances breaks down
NEWS: Climate deniers are influencing UK prime minister David Cameron, according to former energy secretary Chris Huhne