Governments in Brazil, Congo, Indonesia and Mexico can act now to protect forests says new study
Deep cuts to global greenhouse gas levels required by 2020 says UN, but says avoiding 2C of warming is still possible
RTCC’s definitive guide to who you should follow on Twitter at the forthcoming UN COP19 climate talks in Warsaw
In an executive order from the White House today, President Obama outlined how the US can prepare itself for the impacts of climate change
Climate change now a key foreign policy aim for Francois Hollande, seeking to learn from mistakes of 2009 Copenhagen talks
Report calls Australia’s 5% target inadequate but government has refused further funding to increase this
Senior official in Environment Department says ‘sovereign rights’ of countries must be respected at UN talks
Nikkei newspaper says new goal would represent a 3% increase in the discharge of greenhouse gases from 1990 levels
New report from 13 European ministers urges EU to take quick action to spur private investment and reform ETS
Guardian: UN climate change chief says it would be too ‘politically difficult’ to negotiate national allocations of carbon emissions
An analysis of the main developed country negotiating positions ahead of the next round of UN climate talks
India blocks international efforts to cut production of greenhouse gases used in air conditioning and refridgeration
UK Prime Minister tells Parliament he wants to cut a series of ‘green levies’ imposed on energy companies aimed at encouraging low carbon growth
Next three years are crucial in determining the shape of climate action, say policy experts at two day Chatham House conference
Lead climate envoy Todd Stern tells audience in London too much focus on ‘legal form’ could blow hopes of agreement
A wordcloud analysis of the main developing country negotiating positions at the UN COP19 talks
Christiana Figueres says over $1 trillion will be needed to address climate change, on day new study reveals global funding fell in 2012
Meeting to establish EU position at UN climate talks, ministers have proposed 2014 deadline and stressed role of public finance
Some least developed countries are at the forefront of efforts to cut pollution, adapt to climate change and achieve economic and social development
Report by eminent group of leaders chaired by Pascal Lamy calls for action to reform the ‘short-termism’ of politics