Countries object to proposals aimed at developing new set of indicators to measure land degradation
Leading economist Lord Stern says his profession has built models which vastly underestimate effects of climate change
At opening of UN General Assembly, Ban Ki-moon invited leaders to come together in 2014 to stimulate action on climate change
Climate Commission is resurrected as independent body as Australian PM begins regressive action on climate change
EU will discuss changes to the carbon market to allow the bloc to meet its 2030 emissions reduction goals
UN desertification chief Luc Gnacadja says this week’s UN climate science review should encourage governments to rapidly boost their environmental efforts
Former presidents, academics and scientists have come together to issue declaration calling for action on climate justice
World leaders need to take more ambitious actions to confront the mounting threat of climate change
The world must prepare for a strong message on climate change as leaders meet in Stockholm to finalise report
Central government launches five year strategy to cut smog as Pew Research Center poll suggests 47% now unhappy with quality of environment
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change likely to detail figure of fossil fuels that can be burnt before 2°C warming limit is breached
Angela Merkel is expected to win this weekend’s German election, but will a new coalition government be committed to climate and clean energy issues?
Campaigners say choice of BMW, Emirates and General Motors as COP19 hosts is inappropriate given poor pollution records
2015 climate deal unlikely to demand specific reduction pledges, and will cut emissions ‘bottom-up’, says top UN official
US state signs two-year agreement with Beijing, agreeing to work together to advance low carbon development
Former UK climate envoy says low carbon industry and progressive politicians need to combine to build new political consensus on global warming
Bill could see creation of National Climate Change Committee and legally binding decarbonisation targets
Former Chief Scientific Advisor takes key Foreign Office post two years ahead of proposed UN emissions reduction deal
New centre-right government takes charge of climate progressive country, but questions remain over commitment to cutting domestic emissions
UNCCD chief Luc Gnacadja says land degradation is now a “critical” issue with huge economic and social implications