What is one of the world’s most climate vulnerable countries doing to address the causes and consequences of global warming?
Nick Harrison from Ecofys explains why sub-national actors need more input into UN monitored Nationally-Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs)
US Secretary of State John Kerry says he is committed to working closely with small island leaders to guarantee future survival
Pacific leaders will be joined by delegates from United States, China, and the EU to discuss measures to address rising levels of carbon dioxide
COP 19 attendees should fund research on financial and human losses from climate change related disasters
Polarised shale gas exploration debate makes an effective EU energy market strategy essential argues Simon Moore from UK think tank Policy Exchange
In a report ahead of talks on Millennium Development Goals, UN Secretary General highlights importance of sustainable development
Polls by Solar Trade Association and Carbon Brief indicate UK public broadly supportive of investment in renewable energy
Analysts believe agreement on funding for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries now unlikely at COP19 UN talks in Warsaw
Critics say weakened target is another example of the current government’s climate change ‘coma’
Danish government published list of projects that could help it achieve 40% emissions reduction target by 2020
Research shows that Australian opposition’s refusal to create carbon market means that Australia will not hit binding pollution targets
Chairs also call for Warsaw summit in November to start delivering decisions on how global treaty will work
Environment Minister Mark Durkan says Prime Minister’s shale gas stance is encouraging “reckless and irresponsible” behaviour
Prime Minister’s support for fracking does not explain how it can be reconciled with UK decarbonisation targets
Rudd and Abbott commit to 5% emissions reductions in Australia election debate, but say exceeding this would depend on international agreements
In the first of RTCC’s ‘Climate Leaders’ series, former UN climate science chief Bob Watson discusses forthcoming AR5 report and political implications
A report has found that Australia can deliver on its Copenhagen pledge to cut emissions by 25% by 2020
Ambitious domestic legislation needs to pave the way for an international treaty, legislators conclude
Senate inquiry reports Australia is likely to witness extreme weather events with increasing intensity, but does not have the resilience to deal with it