UK, German & French environment ministers demand July deadline for carbon market reform and warns inaction now could jeopardise longer term climate goals
Environment committee confirms new date for critical decision on future of EU’s climate change policy
Joy Hyvarinen from the FIELD asks if states act rationally when negotiating and ratifying treaties, and whether they have biases that can be predicted?
Climate change policies of the USA, EU, China and poorer nations unravelled in Adopt a Negotiator’s innovative word clouds
Ministers from 35 countries meet an influential Berlin summit to set agenda for main UN climate talks in Warsaw
Next UN climate talks host already working with 2015 President France. Reassures issues within the EU will not affect its influence on the talks
Negotiators and civil society offer their reaction to a week of UN climate negotiations in Bonn
Lead negotiator assures nations at UN climate talks second commitment period will be ratified by member states in 2013
Former UK climate diplomat John Ashton calls on young people to re-engage in politics and find their “collective voice as a generation”
Proposal to tackle HFCs outside of the UN’s climate process finds wide support as nations look for quick cuts to global emissions
UN climate chief tells RTCC agreement must be the start of a transformation of world economy to cleaner technologies & renewable energy
Former Bolivian Ambassador to United Nations says ‘pledge and review’ climate deal recommended by USA will not solve emissions crisis
US and EU historic emissions are vast but growth in China and India has tipped balance
Oil producer’s objections to climate deal ignored as nations line up to back low carbon growth
CDM Executive Board chief Peer Stiansen says it’s vital EU emissions trading scheme is backed by governments
Group of developing nations says failure to take responsibility has set back UN process making current negotiations the last chance
Thomson Reuters Point Carbon revises its carbon price estimates and assumes that there will be no short term fix for Europe’s struggling cap and trade system
Pacific nations say push for damages incurred from climate change will cost more than taking early efforts to cut emissions
Warnings from science grow louder but climate finance and emission ambition remain festering sores at international negotiations
Joe Curtin from the IIEA asks if the rejection of EU ETS “backloading” is a minor hiccup or the beginning of the end?