COP18: Environmental NGOs brand Doha climate summit as a missed opportunity, saying coal and oil industry will benefit
COP18: Why have proposals to compensate vulnerable regions for climate-induced disasters suddenly become a make or break issue at the UN negotiations in Doha?
US response in dispute over new financial set up to issue climate compensation to worst hit nations threatens to define UN summit finale
BREAKING: UN adopts extension of Kyoto Protocol, loss and damage accepted, 2015 climate deal still on track
COP18: Campaign group calling on US citizens to email the White House and urge Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to offer more climate funding in Doha
COP18: Arab states say they are ready to submit Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), but have not said when they will do it or how ambitious these will be
COP18: Informal presidency stock take to convene later to establish if a deal is possible tonight, amid rumours ministers may take charge of running talks
COP18: NGO community rallies round poorest countries urging them not to sign up to a watered down deal at the UN climate talks in Doha.
COP18: European Green Party tells RTCC bloc must boost its domestic climate action if it wants to regain influence at UN climate change talks
COP18: Tense day looms as critical issues of finance, emission pledges and compensation for climate damage remain unresolved
Kyoto draft text released but key issues unresolved, Russia could join second commitment period “after Doha” and Dominican Republic makes emission pledge.
COP18: Concerns over Qatar’s Presidency of the UN climate talks are growing after another frustrating day for negotiators in Doha.
COP18: ActionAid, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF unite with vulnerable nations to call on deeper emission cuts and more climate finance.
COP18: New report finds the Arab region especially vulnerable to climate change, with five countries setting new temperature records in 2010.
COP18: Lead negotiator Naderev Saño tells delegates latest typhoon is stark warning that countries are hurting from effects of climate change
COP18: Socialist state’s lead negotiator Claudia Salerno says support for vulnerable countries should be unconditional.
Negotiators stretched as they prepare to hand work over to Ministers at the UN climate change talks in Qatar.
COP18: Financial pledges have gone some way to reconciling differences at the UN climate change talks but no movement on emission reduction pledges.
COP18: RTCC’s Daniel Schweimler heads into Doha and discovers the country has a long way to go before it can call itself truly ‘green’
COP18: Poland’s Environment Minister Marcin Korolec tells RTCC he will not back down over hot air issue, and calls on parties to focus on 2015 deal