Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Unmitigated climate change will have ‘potentially devastating effects’ on global water security, according to a paper presented to the United Nations by Qatar’s government
Emissions measurement system to begin in 2013 as precursor to maritime inclusion in carbon market.
Leaders from the AOSIS group meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly call for greater ambition from second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol
Joan MacNaughton tells RTCC Clean Development Mechanism needs finance from countries not planning to be part of Kyoto Protocol extension
New climatesilence website aims to track statements made by both US Presidential Candidates, ahead of the elections on 6 November.
Rockefeller Foundation supports UNFCCC initiative to build awareness of women’s role in addressing climate change
UN climate change chief says LCA negotiation track will close in Doha and praises “concrete progress” made this year.
UN Secretary-General joins Presidents of vulnerable island states in climate rallying call at UN General Assembly.
Climate Vulnerability Monitor says lack of adherenece to “new and additional funding” rule means overseas aid is being diverted jeopardising Millennium Development Goals
Chemical giant behind HFC replacement chemicals says progress through the Montreal Protocol could represent huge climate change action
European climate ambition has been held back by opposition from Poland but EU fails to present WWF with evidence to support validity of single nation vetoes
Environmental Investigation Agency says new EU standards can raise ambition in developing world and cut effects of rapid rise in global air conditioning and refrigerant use
Canada’s Green Party chief says facts are being ignored as arguments in Canadian Parliament over carbon tax and climate plans heat up
China, India, Brazil and South Africa call on rich nations to sign up for second commitment period and declare ambitious, new emission reduction targets at COP18
Week of events lined-up as 123 world leaders gather for the UN General Debate.
Is the world’s fourth largest carbon emitter serious about a global climate deal, or are they simply taking us along for a ride? Moscow-based journalist Olga Dobrovidova has a theory.
Let us know what you think about Japan’s decision to stick with its fleet of nuclear reactors
Governments announce they will work together on environmental, urbanisation and climate projects including the design of a Chinese carbon market.
Former head of the UN Climate talks says confusion over goals of international negotiations and meaning of last year’s Durban Platform agreement need to be urgently addressed