Discussions on Kyoto progress with the potential for three new members, retributions for those who don’t sign and ongoing questions surrounding the scale of emission cuts country’s are promising.
Reaction to UNFCCC negotiations from Greenpeace, WWF, Christian Aid, Practical Action, Third World Network, Union of Concerned Scientists & Environmental Defense Fund
Progress on several issues builds momentum ahead of Doha summit but questions remain on climate finance, the ambition of emission pledges and the tricky LCA track of negotiations.
Other key countries must raise ambition too but timing of US elections means crucial decision in Washington unlikely in time for Doha talks.
Pablo Solon says UN climate change negotiations should acknowledge that the goals of rich nations and big emerging economies pursuing “greenhouse gas intensive growth” are the same.
The 2012 Democratic National Platform pledges support for international emissions deal, clean energy and fossil fuel subsidy cuts.
Julia Gillard’s government is close to signing up to the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP2), a leading negotiator at the UN climate talks in Bangkok has told RTCC.
What is everyone talking about at the UN climate talks in Bangkok? Chris Wright from Adopt a Negotiator is a veteran of UNFCCC meetings – but the current discussions have left him scratching his head.
RTCC takes a brief look at discussions on the Durban Platform during the UN climate talks in Bangkok
Arab countries unite with coalition of vocal Latin American nations, China, India and emerging Asian economies to form new negotiating bloc called Like Minded Group (LMG).
The Green Climate Fund board may have met for the first time but there remain far too many unanswered questions on raising and spending cash to combat climate change.
State Department negotiator Jonathan Pershing calls for new climate treaty to value flexibility and dynamism over legal nature
Republican Presidential candidate needs to have a Plan B if his belief that climate change is a hoax proves to be misplaced
EU, Australia and New Zealand signal less ambition and more flexibility with pledges while least developed countries reiterate need for financial and logistical help to fight climate change at home.
Reports from UN climate talks in Bangkok suggest EU is now unlikely to enforce tougher emission targets, with one official describing further cuts as ‘wishful thinking’
The Long Term Cooperative Action negotiations are top of the agenda in Bangkok as countries disagree over its future and the developing vs developed nations rift widens.
Third World Network says developed economies must take responsibility for their historical emissions with ambitious targets to cut greenhouse gases.
Meeting in Bangkok kicks-off with familiar battle lines drawn on Kyoto Protocol and early salvos fired on new global deal.
Small Island States issue statement calling in rich nations to raise the their ambition and ensure gaps in funding and emission reductions are slammed shut.
Speaking to a crowd at Iowa State University, Obama calls of student to choose an energy future good for both the economy and the planet.