Academics call for policy overhaul to avoid climate, energy and poverty crises.
As the EU commission gets set to vote on the Quality Fuel Directive, student group People and Planet urge the UK to vote for the directive and banning tar sands imports from the continent.
US and partners to fund cuts in methane, HFCs and soot in developing countries.
Document shows Heartland Institute’s focus on influencing school curriculums, promoting fracking and funding of sceptic websites.
Poverty eradication must be used to boost sustainable development and climate action, said former Norwegian Prime Minister, Gro Harlem Brundtland.
Energy efficiency and renewable power are big winners as fossil fuel subsidies and carbon capture funding cut.
Lord Deben hails Beijing’s domestic progress but says the US is avoiding its responsibilities to cut carbon emissions.
Former UNFCCC boss Michael Zammit Cutajar explains why it is so difficult for the USA to fully engage in climate talks – and outlines the role he sees they could play in the lead up to 2015.
Former UNFCCC chief Michael Zammit Cutajar explores the relationship between the USA and China and asks how this will impact on any future climate treaty.
Michael Zammit Cutajar says global deal harder but greater prize to pursue; calls for end to economic defensiveness on climate change.
Government will phase out old cars, close factories and plant new forests to reduce chronic levels of pollutants.
What does climate ambition mean and how can it be achieved? A question for today’s RTCC workshop – with partners from SOAS, Camco and PwC.
With Mohamed Nasheed ousted, who can replace him as the leading voice for the climate change underdogs?
Climate talks advisor Dr Ian McGregor argues that a new UN Global Climate Council could provide the leadership for progress in cutting world emissions.
Finland President Tarja Halonen and South African President Jacob Zuma outline their sustainable development goals for Rio+20.
If the EU cannot enforce an emissions-trading system for airlines in its own backyard, what hope does the Durban Platform really have?
RTCC spoke to Occupy’s Peter Coville about why he is camped outside St Paul’s, what the Occupy Movement has to do with climate change, and the movement’s vision for the future.
RTCC joined the energy, equity and environment working group at St Paul’s Churchyard ahead of policy week to find out what the Occupy movement has got to do with climate change.
In the first of a series of articles, Luke Hughes, Campaigns Officer of the UK’s Youth Climate Coalition, reflects on Durban and charts a course for future talks.
Manmohan Singh says India will only negotiate a deal that it deems fair as the country reinforces its position for second time in a week.