Global trade needs a global framework through the UN, says International Chamber of Shipping.
RTCC caught up with Tony Juniper ahead of the Durban Climate Summit to see what he expects for the conference and how he thinks things could move forward post COP17.
A resolution passed by the European Parliament today (16 Nov) says the EU should go beyond 20% emissions cuts and offer public support for the continuation of the Kyoto Protocol.
Following doubts that a deal at Durban would not be supported unless all emitting countries contributed, in the latest twist the EU looks ready to vote for deeper emissions cuts.
UK Special Representative for Climate Change John Ashton says ditching the Kyoto Protocol in Durban would signal the world’s leaders have lost fight against global warming.
Report recommends creation of new defence policy board to tackle climate change and international cooperation between CIA and climate stressed nations
Vulnerable countries have presented a united front ahead of COP17 in Durban, calling for a second term of the Kyoto Protocol with a legally binding agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
Ahead of the COP 17 Climate Summit in Durban, the South African high commissioner has slammed the Canadian government for its opposition to a Kyoto extension.
IEA joins finance sector, scientific community and developing world in call to action as Western governments look increasingly detached
In the first of a two-part series Harald Heubaum, Lecturer in Global Energy and Climate Policy at SOAS examines a treaty that polarises opinion like few others.
Less than two weeks before the Climate Summit in Durban, UK Energy Minister, Greg Barker raises further doubts over what the conference will be able to achieve.
Obama administration continues to go green ahead of COP17 talks in Durban
Cost savings and improved efficiency in energy production will bring technology in line with “dirtier” sources
RTCC explains the workings of one of the more controversial products of the international climate negotiations
Ahead of COP 17 in Durban, Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior III represents a beacon of hope for action on climate change, say UK Director John Sauven.
UN Secretary General has urged world leaders to commit to the multi-billion dollar Green Climate Fund, ahead of the COP17 Climate Conference, in Durban.
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Domestic progress on renewables, energy efficiency and funding have yet to be translated to international stage
Connie Hedegaard says bloc will only commit to a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol if all major emitters are involved in a ‘broader framework’.
Ahead of the COP17 Climate Summit in Durban , scientists warn that adaptation policies will be key to helping communities deal with the threats which already lay in the Nepal Himalayas.