Climate change risks are global and intersecting, so why doesn’t the UN do more to treat them that way?
António Guterres and other leaders called for renewed efforts to cut carbon pollution as the Caribbean faces yet another devastating storm
California governor’s list of city, state and national governments nears 200 and is shifting climate diplomacy beyond the caprices of national leaders
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New partners move to take on global climate leadership at meeting in Canada this weekend as US influence declines
Proposal for future relationship with EU calls for cooperation on energy security, but makes no mention of the Paris Agreement, a stated priority in Brussels
Draft treaty aims to give teeth to “soft law”, but critics warn it risks creating confusion and diverting attention from practical initiatives to boost environmental protection
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Representatives from Caribbean island nations want to put extreme weather damage on the agenda for the next IPCC comprehensive report
The committee passed an amendment to give $10m to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, an organisation Donald Trump wants to cut off
Donald Trump’s decision to axe US donations has left the IPCC with an urgent cash crunch. Sources say some governments are set to increase their contributions
Indian prime minister says renewables are “particularly important” to the development of five nations meeting in Xiamen
Abbott becomes second former Australian prime minister to address Global Warming Policy Foundation. His speech will be called ‘Daring to Doubt’
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Critics say Rex Tillerson’s restructuring will further diminish US’ standing in international affairs
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The Center for Biological Diversity is seeking documents that influenced the US president’s decision to leave the Paris climate agreement
The global temperature goal started life as a back-of-the-envelope guess but become a powerful principle for political organising
De Brum, who witnessed the destructive power of nuclear weapons as a child, won justice for his tiny country against formidable economic and political odds
Trump’s US remains firmly in the Paris climate deal. Richard Black reckons that’s how it will stay and he’s prepared to put his brandy where his mouth is