Is the world’s fourth largest carbon emitter serious about a global climate deal, or are they simply taking us along for a ride? Moscow-based journalist Olga Dobrovidova has a theory.
In 1987 states around the world united to cut the emission of dangerous gases that threatened the planet. 25 years later it is proving impossible to repeat the trick. Why?
Edward Cameron and Yamide Dagnet from the World Resources Institute argue that the latest UNFCCC negotiations should be seen as a qualified success – but warn there is much work yet to do.
Reports from UN climate talks in Bangkok suggest EU is now unlikely to enforce tougher emission targets, with one official describing further cuts as ‘wishful thinking’
Russia is a permanent member of the security council, vocal on the international stage and not shy of flexing its muscles. So why does it go quiet when the UN climate talks come around each year?
US climate envoy was heavily criticised for suggesting 2C target should be flexible – but maybe flexibility on all sides of UNFCCC negotiations could help move process forward.