Scale of impacts and lack of long-term planning could leave world with ‘no exit strategy’ if temperatures rise
Former South African finance minister says science is now incontrovertible and potential effects of warming world deadly
Research focused on the climate sensitivity of the atmosphere suggests recent ‘cooling’ spell could be a blip
Latest Climate Council report says extremes of 2013/2014 ‘Angry Summer’ likely to intensify
Kolkata’s choking streets are affecting the health of residents and the region’s long term prosperity
Pace of change at North Pole is surprising scientists: latest studies show the region is at its warmest for 40,000 years
Australia almost a degree hotter than it was in 1910, says Bureau of Meteorology, as government tries to repeal climate laws
Scientists say average annual flood losses could be almost five times greater by mid-century
National science academies of USA and UK say warming is ‘unequivocal’ and recommend urgent action
Scientists predict that temperatures in the Arctic could rise by over six times the level deemed safe for the planet
A new Google-powered mapping tool uses terabytes of data to show where deforestation is happening in real time
Climate change-related impacts on water and land likely to trigger rise in civil war and inter-ethnic clashes says report
In Adelaide, Melbourne and Canberra, number of extremely hot days already exceed scientists’ projections for 2030
The majority of Americans want Congress and business to act on climate change, even if it comes with economic costs
UK Prime Minister backs efforts to cut global carbon emissions, linking flooding to rising greenhouse gas levels
Global warming hasn’t slowed say researchers, trade winds have simply carried the heat into the Pacific Ocean – temporarily
Scientists say evidence supports theory that exceptionally wet and stormy winter is caused at least in part by climate change
Underlying trends indicate planet is steadily heating says World Meteorological Organisation chief Michel Jarraud
Nightmare scenario would see 1 in 20 dealing with floods by 2100 unless world takes urgent action to cut CO2
New US data shows that 2013 maintained the warming trend of recent decades, with most of the world experiencing above-average annual temperatures