Scientists identify global warming as the most likely cause of disappearing glaciers in the tropical Andes
Sustained period of record breaking weather likely to form part of global warming trend says IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri
Marine experts in Germany conclude crushed minerals dropped in oceans could absorb significant quantities of carbon dioxide
Latest data from more than 100 glaciers around the world consistent with increasing rates of melting
Map displays a progression of changing global surface temperatures anomalies from 1880 to 2012
NOAA and NASA results put global surface temperatures 0.57°C higher than the 20th century average
New study finds only CO2 is more significant human produced contributor to climate change
Lord Hunt says while a political solution will be found, it will come too late to stay with the safe limit of warming
International study by Walker Institute at the University of Reading highlights slow payback of greenhouse gas reduction policies
Warming may be slower than some experts had predicted, but many believe this is because the oceans are soaking up the extra heat
Action to cut global emissions needs to double in 2013 according to research published in Environmental Research Letters
New report by Institute of Mechanical Engineers details how huge levels of vital commodities are squandered by humans
Climate scientists explain why the planet is still warming, despite new data from the UK Met Office suggesting it has slowed
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a map of extreme US events with low snowfall, continuing drought and damaged crops leaving a difficult legacy for 2013
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says review process ahead of critical AR5 report is open to all
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says weather was “consistent with a warming world” but can’t be linked exclusively to climate change
Slow response from organisation to media reports draws criticism for delay
Intense heat afflicting Australia continent has led to the country’s meteorologists adding new colours to take its temperature range
If the world does warm by 6°C, the safe bet to deal with climate change appears to grow hairy feet and head to the Shire
Sea levels could rise by one metre by 2100 once ice sheet melt is factored in accurately, say leading glaciologists