COP18: New report warns that nearly 40% of total global emissions could come from permafrost melt
COP18: The gap between emission pledges and what science demands grow wider at every summit. IPCC chief Dr Rajendra Pachauri asks if there’s still space for a scientific voice.
New study increases pressure on governments heading to COP18 climate change talks in Doha to make ambitious cuts in emissions ahead of 2015 deal
COP18: Study finds poorer countries are marginalised in the UNFCCC negotiation process as they are unable to compete with the growing delegations of richer counterparts
The Make the Link Climate exChange project brought together climate experts and school children to thrash out what policy makers’ priorities should be as they head to COP18.
Study finds aquatic species could shrink 10 times more than land-dwellers, as they adapt to a warming world.
Michael Mann tells RTCC why he joined the social networking site, and explains that despite the trolls he feels it has been a worthwhile experience
Author of iconic hockey stick graph says barrage of invective against scientists means few are willing to state true impacts of man-made climate change
CBD COP11: Tim Hirsch suggests greater focus on biodiversity rather than climate change could be more effective in generating public interest in green issues
Sea ice levels in the North and South Poles have dominated the climate change debate this summer – these animations demonstrate why.
New study finds current greenhouse gas emissions are likely to have triggered an irreversible warming causing melt from glaciers, ice caps, Greenland and Antarctic
Study finds island and coastal communities dependant on fish could be hit hardest by a combination of climate change and ocean acidification
While Arctic sea ice cover plummeted this summer, many suggest this was balanced by gains in ice cover at the Antarctic. So who’s right?
National Snow and Ice Center in Colorado reports sea ice levels hit likely minimum on September 16, offering clearest signal yet of climate change
British explorer’s team will track changes in mass of the polar ice caps during six month journey
New study published in Nature Climate Change says a combination of warming temperatures and ocean acidification is putting nearly all of the world’s coral reefs under threat.
A group of global warming sceptics lose a bid to have temperature readings from New Zealand government agency ruled invalid
Deforestation of tropical forests could significantly reduced rainfall, having negative impacts for people living in tropical regions, according to research published in Nature.
Cambridge University’s Professor Peter Wadhams says polar melt threatens to double mankind’s contribution to global warming, potentially causing irreversible climate change
Latest Climate Action Tracker says more ambition vital from governments if world temperatures are to be controlled