New study questions assumption that tackling black carbon, i.e. soot, could bring relatively quick gains to efforts to combat climate change.
Arctic sea ice is lower than at any other point since satellite records began, according to NASA, representing a new norm for the region.
Scientists find rapid warming over last 50-100 years contributed to the collapse of ice shelves witnessed over last 20 years, warning of more occurrences with future warming.
“Marine cloud-brightening” method to trigger cloud formation by spraying sea water into the atmosphere could reflect enough solar radiation away from earth to negate effects of climate change.
Mario Molina calls for price on global greenhouse gas emissions and warns of possibility of climate ‘catastrophe’
Dr Richard Munang from the UNEP explains how Ecosystem-based Adaptation can help people and communities cope with the negative effects of climate change.
Ted Scambos from the US National Snow and Ice Data Centre warns that Arctic sea ice could shrink to record lows next week, and then continue to melt for the rest of the summer months.
New study says fixing giant shade cloths over the Great Barrier Reef should be considered to help save coral from the effects of climate change.
Projected Australian water shortages suggest governments of future will have to ration water between mining, agriculture and major cities.
New index aimed at scoring every coastal nation in the world on their contribution to the health of oceans finds a global average of 60 out of 100.
Latest data shows melting over the Greenland ice sheet in 2012, has surpassed previous seasonal records – four weeks before the melting season is expected to end.
New research finds fresh water in the oceans from rivers and rain could make tropical storms more intense, but what could this mean for a warming world?
Images from polar satellite suggest sea ice in the Arctic could be disappearing at a rate 50% higher than previously predicted.
George Kimble’s ‘The Weather’, first published in 1943, reveals that climate change was a concern over 70 years ago.
New research finds Greenland’s ice sheet melt could happen in short bursts, showing that the melt witnessed between 2005 and 2010 may not have been unprecedented.
New research shows that while a slow down of carbon absorption of the planet’s ecosystems is projected, today they continue to keep up with the rising levels of emissions being released into the atmosphere.
Research in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics journal suggests pollution and toxins in air could be ‘normal’ if new regulations are not adopted
Study led by climate sceptic scientist Richard Muller concludes that human Co2 emissions are best explanation for climate change
New research examining how the Southern Ocean absorbs CO2 reveals that winds and currents create pathways for carbon to be stored in the deep ocean regions.
Indian/NASA collaboration reveals 97% of ice surface area has begun to melt, more than double the usual extent during summer. However, more data required to attribute melting to climate change.