The Cook Islands, a tiny Pacific state vulnerable to sea level rise, is vocally opposed to action at the International Maritime Organization
Electric cars, hydrogen vehicles, solar aircraft and hyperloops all have a part to play in greening transport, but the overall challenge is far more complex
The International Civil Aviation Authority is unjustifiably smug about its climate record; it must play its part in efforts to limit warming to 1.5C
This week leading air carriers claimed they would support a new market-based scheme to curb emissions – but many remain unconvinced
Green groups claim promise is historic, but definition of subsidies remains vague in statement that also covers aviation, HFCs and urges early support for Paris Agreement
The world’s governments have committed to moving away from fossil fuels, but rupturing the oil, gas and coal industry will affect the lives of millions
As clock ticks down on ICAO aviation talks, proposal from Singapore to delay enforcement adds to air of uncertainty
Responsibilities of rich and emerging economies at issue in Montreal meeting to thrash out aviation’s contribution to international climate action
Crewless ships would use 10-15% less fuel, estimate engineers, and could be running by the end of the decade
International Maritime Organization talks on a carbon target ended in watery compromise on Thursday, after a standoff between Europe and emerging economies
Between Dutch plans to ban sales of petrol cars from 2025 and the rapid rise of car sharing, the automotive industry faces some big challenges
NEWS: As at the international climate talks, getting a compromise between rich and poor over airline emission cuts is proving tricky for UN negotiators
NEWS: Six countries are calling on the International Maritime Organization to pull its weight in efforts to tackle climate change
NEWS: Leaders in Paris, Athens, Madrid, Amsterdam, Vienna and Lisbon among those to protest at Brussels’ inability to deliver tougher air pollution laws
NEWS: US agency funds competition to design better solar cells seen as critical to exploration of deeper space
NEWS: Global fleet should be improving fuel efficiency 20% a decade says coalition of 15 companies, urging UN regulator to set targets
NEWS: Improved technology and falling costs are moving electric car sales into the fast lane as manufacturers are now able to achieve significant economies of scale
NEWS: Canadian PM Trudeau says he has an understanding with Obama over important issues that impact both countries, with climate change a priority
NEWS: Don’t believe the hype, say reseachers: the industry’s miracle solutions aren’t addressing the climate impact of flying
NEWS: China, North America, Europe’s North Sea and Australia have some of the best understood geological sites, says Global CCS Institute