All the breaking news from Durban as the climate change talks start to build momentum.
Follow all the front line news and back stage gossip from Durban through the RTCC team’s Twitter pages.
Keep up to date with all the breaking news from COP17 in Durban via the RTCC team’s Twitter pages…
The annual COP climate talks are an easy target for critics, but RTCC’s Ed King argues they still provide the best platform for global agreement on climate change.
Responding to Climate Change will be broadcasting a daily webcast from the heart of the conference centre in Durban throughout COP17. Find out how you can get involved.
In his final article on climate change and the private sector analyst Kentaro Ide argues that intellectual property rights and technology transfer must form the centrepiece of any legislation agreed in in Durban at COP17.
Web-giant sets tech transfer precedent and publishes research to allow others to continue work.
European Investment Bank throws weight behind UK’s Thanet Offshore project.
Environment Minister says issue was “rushed” in Cancun and requires united front from G77 + China during climate change talks in Durban.
The technology transfer mechanism will be up for discussion in Durban, RTCC looks at the system designed to grease the wheels of innovation in developing countries.
CFC replacements could have the same warming effect as releasing nine billion tonnes of CO2 into atmosphere.
Ajay Gambhir, Research Fellow at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change at Imperial College, analyses China’s negotiating positions ahead of COP17.
As the clock ticks down to the start of COP17 in Durban – we’ve collated the best quotes from a politically charged week of climate change news and debate
Study calls for extra funding in domestic UK biofuel production to ensure EU road and rail cuts are achieved.
US Energy Secretary Steven Chu faces hostile questioning over the $535m loan guarantee given to the now bankrupt solar panel maker Solyndra – we’ve Storified an entertaining session.
Global trade needs a global framework through the UN, says International Chamber of Shipping.
Welcome to Responding to Climate Change’s new website – we hope you enjoy our fresh look and feel. Please let our editor Ed King know what you think about the site by emailing [email protected] or tweeting @rtcc_edk.
China Air Transport Association and airlines prepare lawsuit as country’s aviation watchdog appeals for EU to back down.
Shipping has been targeted as a source of finance for the Green Climate Fund, but could a deal at Durban mean the industry ends up paying a disproportionate amount?
£34bn project receives cross party support as US and China plans falter