Strong action on climate change would shrink demand for vessels by a third, impacting investment decisions being made now, analysts say
Finland, Sweden, Portugal, France and Germany praised for ambitious targets, but NGO analysis raises questions over details
School striker Noga Levy-Rapoport urged the International Maritime Organization to set speed limits at sea, for the sake of young and future generations
A go-slow at sea would cut fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions fast, but there are concerns it would delay a permanent shift to cleaner technology and fuels
Shipowners’ Association is calling for government incentives to help in the transition to climate-friendly vessels, to meet national climate goals
Greater transparency would curb industry dominance in the International Maritime Organization, say campaigners, but key countries are opposed
The International Maritime Organization has set a target to halve shipping’s climate impact by 2050, but some countries are resisting early action
First plan of its kind from an island nation says adopting new shipping technologies ‘could have ripple effects across the international sector’
The International Maritime Organization’s governing council has agreed to consider reforms, while documents show giving gifts for votes is standard practice
The EU is investing heavily in LNG as a cleaner fuel for shipping, but it will not go far enough to cut emissions by 2050, according to consultancy UMAS
Countries adopted a compromise emissions target at the International Maritime Organization on Friday, with further battles to come over how to put it into practice
The International Maritime Organization has started the process to force ships to use cleaner fuels in the sensitive north pole region
EU and island leaders are calling for more ambition at the International Maritime Organization, while major emerging economies resist a tough cap on emissions
Melting sea ice is opening the Arctic up to increased maritime traffic, raising fears of toxic fuel spills and climate pollution
The International Maritime Organization should build on growing industry awareness and agree an ambitious climate target for shipping this week
The UN’s Patricia Espinosa urged negotiators at the International Maritime Organization to adopt a deal this week that supports the Paris Agreement
A draft text would see shipping halve its carbon footprint by 2050, but experts say that falls short of the Paris Agreement goals
Talks on curbing shipping’s carbon footprint started in London on Tuesday with ongoing transparency issues foremost in the minds of those outside the room
As a key meeting kicks off in London, the hopes of climate hawks are pinned on the shipping industry finally setting course for reform after years in the doldrums
Calls for a 70-100% cut in shipping emissions by 2050 are “unlikely to achieve consensus support”, warns influential trade body ahead of a key UN meeting