Donald Trump’s most powerful advisors are set to debate whether the US stays in the UN climate pact. Here’s what we know about their positions
“It’s a bad deal for America,” said Scott Pruitt, adding he had told counterparts in Germany and Canada that he would not risk the US economy to comply with Paris
All G7 nations, except the US, expressed support for the Paris climate accord, but the Trump administration did back an end to fossil fuel subsidies
The UN’s flagship climate finance initiative should be driving innovation, not wasting money on old technology saddled with resilience and human rights concerns
As Congress mulls cutting the US’ €4 million annual contribution to climate talks, top official Patricia Espinosa is “watching these developments with interest”
As President Trump rolls back climate policies and finance, China’s UN representative makes a detailed pitch for global leadership
China and India experts say cuts challenge progress on emissions, while an architect of the Paris climate deal criticises the US for not being “truthful” to its commitments
“America First” budget would axe 20% of the UN’s climate body’s funding and $2bn to help developing countries deal with global warming
President hails Kigali deal as “good for our people, the planet, and the profits of those that follow in our footsteps”
“We are broadly in the right starting position to keep warming below 2C,” but most models require carbon capture to meet the Paris goal, researchers say
Envoys from US, EU, Russia and South Africa reject claims that one piece of research in June 2015 shaped flagship UN climate pact
The biggest job opportunities are in clean energy, says Patricia Espinosa when asked about US president’s plans
In the first of a three-part series, Climate Home looks at Barack Obama’s domestic record on one of his top priority issues
Incoming UN secretary general says he wants to rebalance organisation’s approach from conflict resolution to prevention
French senator Gerard Miquel extracts promise from Manila to formally approve UN’s flagship climate pact in coming months
Nick Hurd tells lawmakers London will seek to influence US on climate policy, says momentum is with Paris Agreement and low carbon economy
Secretary of state set to be replaced by Exxon boss Rex Tillerson said US faces ‘resistance from combination of doubters and people making a lot of money’
Report finds that even if pledges to Paris agreement are exceeded, most coral reefs worldwide will be bleached every year by 2070
Outgoing secretary of state’s final memo to president Obama outlines his department’s successes, but warns that “the months and years ahead will be critical”
During the hottest year on record, Karl Mathiesen travelled to Tasmania and found his home irreparably changed